Working principle
- ID measurement by multisensor heads;
- ID measurement on the base of rotating sensors.
Multisensor Inner Diameter Measurement Systems
- 6-point contactless ID measurement systems.
Pipe Inner Diameter Measurement Machine
- contactless measurement of inner diameter of pipes, bushes, holes, tubes.
Leaf Spring Hole ID Measurement Machine
- contactless measurement of leaf springs holes.
Wheel Center Bore ID Measuring Gauge
- contactless measurement of wheel center bore;
- accuracy ±5 um;
- resolution 3200 point/turnover.
Stepped Hole ID Measurement System
- contactless measurement of objects with two through-holes of different diameter;
- accuracy up to ±0,005 um;
- resolution 6400 point/turnover.
Rectangular Inner Profile Measurement System
- non-contact scanning and inner dimensions measurement of objects with special profile;
- accuracy up to ±0,02 mm;
- resolution 3200 point/turnover.
Pipe ID Control System
- contactless laser control of pipes inside diameter.
Handheld Inner Diameter Measuring Gauge
- diameter measurement range from 100 mm to 250 mm
- diameter measurement error ±0.05 mm
- space resolution 700 points/turnover
Wireless ID measurement sensor for CNC machines
- contactless measurement of inner diameter ovality
Tube Sheet Holes Measurement System
- highly accurate automated measurements of small diameter holes